Price List

Our charges consist of a one time setup fee and a monthly storage fee that includes the equivalent to 50 times that amount in monthly traffic so if a subscriber is paying for 2 MB (Megabytes) of storage they have the right to 100 MB of traffic.

For exclusive service you have to add $250 to our basic setup fee.

Setup FeeMonthly Fee up to ¼MB of Space Monthly Fee up to 1MB of SpaceMonthly Fee up to 2MB of Space Monthly Fee up to 4MB of SpaceMonthly Fee extra MB of Space Extra traffic beyond 50 times storage per MB Extra traffic beyond 500MB per MB


To establish your own or a clients account for service, the following must be provided in advance:

Billing Options

All accounts are billed quarterly

Automatic Payment Plan established on your Corporate or Personal Credit Card*
Corporate or Personal Check
Pay yearly in advance
Get 5% off your bill

*Visa and Mastercard accepted

To Purchase the service




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